
get your kids inspired. At Star Safari,

Kids are free

Bring your 15 years and younger for free

Stellar Adventures: Family-Friendly Cosmic Journeys

We’re delighted to create content that resonates with everyone, catering to all ages and experience levels.

We wholeheartedly welcome children to join in on the fun! In fact, we’ve made it even more inviting by allowing each adult to bring along two young ones free of charge.

So gather your family and friends, and let’s explore the wonders of the cosmos together!

Which session is best to bring children along?

Give yourself some space

The best session time for parents with kids are the early sessions (first session of the night).

Light-up shoes are NOT for stargazing. 

If your kids have LED shoes, please keep them in the car and bring a spare pair of walking/tramping shoes. During our public stargazing sessions, shoes with lights are not permitted at Star Safari. 


Spend an evening of space and astronomy with Hari and Sam.

Celestial Escapades

Embark on an intimate celestial adventure tailored just for you and your group.

Starry Telling

Summertime only experience. Our virtual sky exploration and e-astronomy experience.

Star Safari is a product of Milky-way.Kiwi, a social enterprise

our social enterprise

Every social enterprise has a beneficial goal. Ours is to inspire people to think about our collective future and how they can actively contribute to it. We believe that quality science education with an added cosmic perspective can achieve that.

Our profits support the New Zealand Astrobiology Network.

We believe it is really important for kids and young people to appreciate the night sky. For these reasons, all Star Safari stargazing sessions and courses are free for children 15 and under when accompanied by adults.

Venture with us beyond Earth