we are all made of stardust

About us

Hari and Sam - we are a social enterprise

Communicating astronomy with the public

We are Hari and Sam 

At Star Safari, we have a range of refractor and reflector telescopes that we use to observe phenomena in the NZ sky from our observatory located on top of a beautiful hill.

Hari at TEDx Chch
Hari and Sam visiting the United Nations in Vienna

venture with us beyond Earth

MEET the sky rangers

Samuel Leske


Haritina Mogoșanu


We are professional space sciences educators, accredited by the Ministry of Education as Professional Learning Development (PLD) providers for teachers.

Hari is a TEDx featured astrobiologist, has done an internship at NASA Ames, trained for Mars as an analog astronaut and established the New Zealand Astrobiology Network. 

Sam has a Masters Degree in Astrophysics and he is a former airforce pilot.

Explore the night sky from one of the best places for stargazing, and discover New Zealand's most famous constellations.

what we do

telescope advice

If you would like to buy a telescope or upgrade your current one but don't really know what to get, we can help.

What is astronomy?

At Star Safari we offer courses getting you started in astronomy, stargazing, telescope use, astrophotography and stargazing for business (also known as astrotourism).

professional learning development (PLD)

We work with Field-BasedSTEM.Kiwi to provide PLD to schools around New Zealand.

Access the wonders of the night sky! Check out our year pass and other programmes

give. yourself. some. space

We are a social enterprise

kids and young people need inspiration

Bring your 15 years and younger for FREE

Affordable access to the wonders of night sky for everyone is a very important for us. Therefore, for all of our public sessions and courses kids are free – check out terms and conditions.